
What is Steeping?


If you are an experienced vape user or have spent time around experienced vaper or local vape shops, you may have head about steeping vape juice. If you want to know how to steep e-liquid, then this article is for you. Steeping vape juice or steeping e-liquid is a common term used by vapers. The vape community use this term to describe the process of infusing the ingredients together by letting the eliquid sit for a while and thus enhancing the flavors of e-juice.

It is relatively easily to clean the bottles and reuse them without experiencing residual smells, However certain strong flavours just as menthol or tobacco do leave a residue scent that maybe difficult to get rid of therefore it’s a good idea to use new bottles if you choose to mix two or more flavours together. Steeping e-liquid is a common process that many people practice to improve the flavor of ready to vape e-juice. There are various ways to steep e-liquid, which we will go over.

Here you will learn all about the different techniques of steeping and how long it takes? So, let's start exploring the world of steeping e-liquid and e-cigarette.

What is steeping?

The steeping method of e-liquids means the process of letting the e-juice flavors to infuse. Steeping is a misleading term. The actual term should be infusing because it is infusing a solid in e-juice to soften it. This is especially used to achieve better flavors. The best way to steep an e-juice is to leave it to blend the flavors for a specific time.

There are many ways to steep vape juice, which you will learn in the later sections. The most important thing about this whole process is time. When you wait or let the favours infuse for a longer period, it allows the ingredients used in the e-juice bottles to blend and create a sensation among users. Some juice also contains a trace amount of alcohol, which will evaporate during this process. 

You can think of steeping to be similar to making teas. To make your morning tea, you would dip the tea bag into the water. The longer you dipped, or let the tea infuse the better and stronger it tastes. Similarly, the longer you steep the e-liquid, the stronger the flavor gets. After steeping the e-juice, you can notice the changes. There is a change in its visibility and as well as in the taste. The steeped e-juice looks darker and more flavorful than the ordinary e-juice. Steeping of e-liquid allows the flavors to absorb into the liquid. Before commercial vape liquids are sold into stores they normally would go through the same process of steeping.