
How to choose your first vape kit?

New to Vaping?

There are so many different vaping devices on the market that it can be difficult to know which one to choose when you’re starting out.


Generally speaking, like when you’re starting anything new, the best advice is to keep it simple at first.


The One Kit is a great choice for new vapers. It’s a pen-style kit, which means it’s easy to carry around. If you smoke or know somebody who does, the One Kit is a great option. Our brief was to create the perfect starter e-cigarette - reliable, easy to use, comfortable to carry and convenient to charge and compatible with a wide array of starter e-liquids in a range of flavours.


The One Kit is also a mouth to lung device. This means it has been designed to reproduce the feel and action of smoking cigarettes. Most people who start vaping are trying to give up cigarettes so it’s an ideal and familiar place to start.


But it’s not the only way! We’ll break down a few of the different types of kit here to give you an overview before you choose the best vape device for your needs.